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Patient Companion App

Foster deeper patient relationships and deliver personalized care through a patient-centric app

Stay ahead of the competition

Differentiate your practice and attract a loyal patient base

Provide convenient access to information, personalized care, and efficient communication

Leverage our patient's app innovative features, personalized experiences, and seamless integration

Position as a leader

With our app, build a strong reputation and drive growth by offering improved care delivery


“We are so happy with all the features; it's so easy doing everything from one screen… Gleeo RPM & Telehealth is like having the patient in the office.”


"The level of flexibility and customization we've enjoyed is incredible! We've been able to perfectly tailor our program to meet the unique needs of both our team and our patients."

Experience the best patient app with Gleeo

Our patient app is designed to be your game-changer

We offer a comprehensive suite of features that empower patients from appointment scheduling all the way to RPM and telehealth.

Get exceptional value by improving patient engagement, enhancing care delivery, and driving better outcomes.

Unlock the potential of your healthcare with Gleeo App

  • Patient-centric focus: We prioritize the patient experience, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive app.
  • Advanced features: Our app offers a wide range of features - appointments, prescriptions, feedback, notifications etc to remote monitoring.
  • Personalized health plans: Create tailored health plans based on patient goals and conditions.
  • Security and privacy: Your patients' data is our top priority. We adhere to the highest security standards.
  • White labeling: Our app can be customised to your unique practice's unique brand identity.
  • Exceptional support: Our dedicated team provides ongoing assistance and support.

...and many other features

  • Patient education: Share customized health information with patients.
  • Health measures: Allow patients to track symptoms, activities, and medication adherence.
  • Reminders: Send timely reminders for appointments, medication, and follow-ups.
  • Community forums: Connect with other patients facing similar challenges.
  • Remote monitoring integration: Seamlessly connect with wearable devices for continuous health tracking.


“Consumer adoption of telehealth jumped to nearly 80% in 2024, up from 11% in 2019.


"Percentage of physicians use telehealth for various needs, online consultation tops the list

Request A Demo

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A complete suite of Digital Health solutions

Discover how Gleeo's integrated solutions keep your practice seamlessly connected to patients, whether they are in the office or at home.


Surgery Orchestration

To optimize surgical workflows, resource allocation, and patient care through advanced scheduling and coordination.

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Visits Management

To efficiently manage patients' handwritten and digital prescriptions for Mediciness, Activity and Diet, for every visit.

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EMR Integration

You can start with any module and build upon it gradually. We'll ensure seamless integration with your existing system.

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