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Health Education

A cornerstone of Care

Health education empowers individuals to take an active role in managing their health and well-being

Effective patient education goes beyond simply disseminating information; it requires tailoring content to specific patient needs, preferences, and literacy levels

Health education provides clear, understandable information about diseases, treatments, preventive measures, and self-care practices

Our platform, enables you to equip patients with knowledge, resulting in informed decision-making, enhance treatment adherence, and improve overall health outcomes.

Clear and effective communication is essential for successful patient education

Our health education uses language that is easy to understand and avoids medical jargon.


“We are so happy with all the features; it's so easy doing everything from one screen… Gleeo RPM & Telehealth is like having the patient in the office.”


"The level of flexibility and customization we've enjoyed is incredible! We've been able to perfectly tailor our program to meet the unique needs of both our team and our patients."

Revolutionize the way patient education is delivered

Enhance comprehension by Visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and videos

Our platform offers convenient access to health information. Patients can access educational materials at their own pace and convenience.

Our platform enables personalized learning experiences, tailoring content to individual needs and preferences.

Numerous advantages for both practices and patients

  • Improved Health Outcomes: Educated patients adhere to treatment plans, leading to better health outcomes and reduced complications.
  • Increased Patient Satisfaction: Understanding their condition and treatment options enhances patient satisfaction and trust in healthcare providers.
  • Enhanced Self-Management: Educated patients can effectively manage chronic conditions, reducing reliance on healthcare services.
  • Increased Adherence to Treatment Plans: Understanding the importance of medication and lifestyle changes improves treatment adherence.
  • Stronger Patient-Provider Relationship: Effective communication and shared decision-making build trust.
  • Public Health Improvement: Educated individuals contribute to healthier communities and reduced disease prevalence.

Effective patient education with range of features

  • Tailored Content: Adapting information to individual patient needs, literacy levels, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Interactive Learning: Utilizing various methods, such as visual aids, role-playing, and case studies.
  • Accessible Formats: Offering information in multiple formats, such as print, audio, and video.
  • Integration with Care: Incorporating education into routine clinical encounters.
  • Clear and Concise Communication: Using simple language and avoiding medical jargon.


“Consumer adoption of telehealth jumped to nearly 80% in 2024, up from 11% in 2019.


"Percentage of physicians use telehealth for various needs, online consultation tops the list

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A complete suite of Digital Health solutions

Discover how Gleeo's integrated solutions keep your practice seamlessly connected to patients, whether they are in the office or at home.


Speciality-specific EHR

To support functions of your practice, restoring the focus on patient care and enabling financial success.

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Patient Experience

To measure patient experience, helping you identify and achieve continuous improvement in service delivery

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Appointment System

To offer flexibility in appointments for consultations, follow-ups, routine visits - in-person, video & audio.

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